We just can't make this stuff up! So, get your pencils up and pass those papers as the nation's funniest teachers are set to hit the stage and share comedy-gold tales and antics out of the classroom. Now on its second headlining run, Bored Teachers Comedy Tour – We Can't Make This Stuff Up! is coming to you live at Kiva Auditorium on Thursday, 14th of September 2023, bringing along the most hilarious viral educators. They're called "Bored Teachers" but they definitely aren't bored at all! It's all part of their sarcasm and sense of humor. Just take a look at their videos, and you'll see. Giving teachers around the globe a platform to escape the chaos and stress of their calling, Bored Teachers is a safe space for teachers to find joy and humor from classroom tales, hiccups, and antics. Now for your homework, book those tickets now!
From TikTok viral tales of classroom mishaps and hilarious tales, Bored Teachers is taking its sensational classroom secrets to the live stage, and they can't make this stuff up! After a massively successful run of its first live tour trek in 2022, they're back with another Comedy Tour special "We Can't Make This Stuff Up!". Bringing along some of the nation's funniest educators to exist, the trek is slated to stage over 150 shows this year.
Some of Bored Teachers' highly-sought after comedians include Vinny Thomas, Devin Siebold, KC Mack, Andrea Caspari, Jess Merrill, Jared Waters, and many more on their roster of hilarious educators. Guests vary at every show, so audiences are in for unique surprises at the Comedy Tour, and they definitely can't make this stuff up!
"I just wanted to thank you for consistently bringing a smile to my face," a review by Jen D. shared on the Bored Teachers website. "On the difficult days, your posts make me feel like I'm not alone. Your jokes are hilarious and spot-on! Thank you so much"
Together, Bored Teachers' have amassed hundreds of millions of views across their social media platforms. With thousands of stories to share, we're sure you'll be laughing your socks off at the show. We all know the profession is quite challenging, with teachers pouring their heart and energy into classroom walls. No matter what challenges arise, there's always a moment that deserves to be shared and find humor in.
"So put that red pen down, pause that Netflix series you've been bingeing, throw on your comfiest teacher tee, call your teacher besties, and come burn off some of that stress this school year has been dumping all over you!", the Bored Teachers website exclaims.
With over 4.5 million followers on TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook, you can definitely say that educators around the globe found a sweet escape with Bored Teachers. With over 20 million monthly views across their content, teachers can definitely relate to these classroom antics you wouldn't believe could happen!
Though some of ya'll might ask, "What's up with 'bored' in your name?", "No teacher is ever bored! It’s part of our sarcasm and sense of humor," Bored Teachers explains. "Take a look around our content, you’ll see what we mean!"
As Bored Teachers hit the stage, an A+ grade of laughter is guaranteed. From classroom bloopers, honest confessions, and exposing the most ridiculous parent requests and conversations, Bored Teachers is serving a show with laughter as homework, and a handful of lessons to take home. Book your tickets now!
Kiva Auditorium
401 2nd Street NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87102, United States